Foto Internnet Case Competition
Juara II Case Competition Internnet Case Competition

SAMUEL TAN atau sering dipanggil SAMUEL berasal dari Program Studi S1 Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Nasional dalam bidang Minat Khusus yaitu Juara II Case Competition Internnet Case Competition yang di ikuti 81 peserta dari 25 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 1 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh Internnet Indonesia bertempat di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 12 Nov 2023 s/d 26 Nov 2023 Internnet Internal Case Competition is an internal event that we crafted for Wave 6 mentees to enhance the skill of problem solving, creativity and analytical thinking by solving a realistic business case with a team in a form of three to four to prepare skill set knowledge that will be used in real situations. In this competition, the team will create problem solving or solutions that will be made in the form of Powerpoint or deck that consist of a maximum of 8 slides.... Lihat Selengkapnya >>