Foto Lomba Indonesia Inventors Day 2022
Juara I Agriculture, Livestock, Horticulture, Aquaculture & Fisheries Lomba Indonesia Inventors Day 2022

ZULIO RAMA PUTRA atau sering dipanggil ZULIO berasal dari Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mekatronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Internasional dalam bidang Penalaran yaitu Juara I Agriculture, Livestock, Horticulture, Aquaculture & Fisheries Lomba Indonesia Inventors Day 2022 yang di ikuti 352 peserta dari 90 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 32 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh INNOPA bekerja sama dengan IFIA, Kemendikbud dan BRIN bertempat di Universitas Udayana, Bali pada tanggal 28 Okt 2022 s/d 31 Okt 2022 Every year, Indonesia Inventors Day always carries a theme that can reach the event's goals. This year, Indonesia Inventors Day brought up the theme “Inno-fun-tion for Everyone”. The goal is to further promote innovation's importance for everyone and show people how fun innovation is. Indonesia Inventors Day 2022 The event will take a two-days exhibition and competition for both local and International participants. Participants can show their innovative ideas or projects in the form of design, mock op, prototype or ready for commercialization product. A global visitor and investor will be invited to look up some exciting projects. To add excitement, judges will also go around the participants’ booth to choose the best projects that are entitled to win tens of millions of rupiah in total prize... Lihat Selengkapnya >>