Juara II Lomba Infografis AGROCOMPETITION 2023

MUHAMMAD HANIFUDIN HAMMAM atau sering dipanggil MUHAMMAD berasal dari Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Nasional dalam bidang Penalaran yaitu Juara II Lomba Infografis AGROCOMPETITION 2023 yang di ikuti 162 peserta dari 31 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 1 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh IPB University bertempat di Bandung pada tanggal 17 Jul 2023 s/d 23 Sep 2023 Indonesia is an archipelagic country with a tropical climate with an area of ​​around 9 million km2 , located between two oceans and two continents, consists of about 17,500 islands with a coastline length of around 95,181 km. geographical conditions causing Indonesia to become a megabiodiversity country even though its area is only approx 1.3% of the earth's area. In the world of plants, flora in Indonesia is included part of the Malesiana flora which is estimated to contain about 25% of the species flowering plants in the world, ranks as the seventh largest country with The number of species reaches 20,000 species, 40% of which are endemic or native to Indonesia. Part of Indonesia's rich flora is the diversity of fruit plants and flower. Many species of flowers and fruit native to Indonesia do not have much potential used and even known. Indonesia is the habitat for 25% of flower species in the world with a total of 20,000 species and only around 8,000 species have been identified. Besides flowers, the diversity of native Indonesian fruit types is also quite high, there are recorded 266 types of fruit native to Indonesia, most of which still grow wild and some small have been cultivated. Indonesia's wealth of fruit and flowers is an identity worth researching its potential can be further developed so that it can increase the competitiveness of fruit and Indonesian flowers in local and international markets and supporting efforts its conservation. Through the 2023 Agrocompetition event, it is hoped that there will be a wealth of flowers and fruit the archipelago can be better known and optimized. Apart from that, it is hoped that this event will be able to hone students' critical thinking skills, caring and creativity in the field agriculture, especially flower and fruit commodities. This activity was held as a forum for young generation, especially students, to contribute ideas and innovative ideas in exploring the potential of Indonesian fruit and flowers through essay, photography and competitions infographics.... Lihat Selengkapnya >>