Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
5751FAHMI TYASTOMO PemakalahThe 1st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience (CHIuXiD) Tahun 2015Presenter Internasional2015
5752Azhim Rosyed IbrahimPemakalahThe 1st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience (CHIuXiD) Tahun 2015Presenter Internasional2015
5753DENI KURNIANTO NUGROHOPemakalahThe 1st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience (CHIuXiD) Tahun 2015Presenter Internasional2015
5754AWALUR RAHMI PUTRIPemakalahBAPPENAS International Conference on Best Development Practices and Policies 2015 Presenter Internasional2015
5755OKTA LESAGIAPemakalahBAPPENAS International Conference on Best Development Practices and Policies 2015Presenter Internasional2015
5756ADI SUSENOJuara IIIThe 6th International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX) 2015Classed G Social Science Internasional2015
5757FENTI RICHA RUKMANAJuara IThe 3rd International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) 2015 Internasional2015
5758Atika FauziyyahJuara IThe 3rd International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) 2015Internasional2015
5759ARIF DWIHANTOROPemakalahBAPPENAS International Conference on Best Development Practices and Policies 2015Presenter Internasional2015
5760MUHAMMAD MUSLIM MACHBUB SULTHONYJuara IThe 3rd International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) 2015Internasional2015
5761A.A. SUTADI SAPUTRAJuara IJuara I The 3rd International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) 2015 di Taipei, TaiwanInternasional2015
5762MUHAMMAD FERRYJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
5763MUHAMMAD FERRYJuara IThe 3rd International Youth Invention Contest (IYIC) Tahun 2015Bidang LingkunganInternasional2015
5764ISRA KAIDAJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
5765ISRA KAIDAJuara IThe 3rd International Youth Invention Contest (IYIC) Tahun 2015Internasional2015
5766HERTIN EKA RAHMAWATIJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Internasional2015
5767HERTIN EKA RAHMAWATIJuara IThe 3rd International Youth Invention Contest (IYIC) Tahun 2015Internasional2015
5768RINI WINARTIJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Best Presentation Internasional2016
5769RINI WINARTIJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
5770RINI WINARTIJuara IThe 3rd International Youth Invention Contest (IYIC) Tahun 2015 Bidang LingkunganInternasional2015
5771RINI WINARTIJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori Applied MathematicsInternasional2016
5772RINI WINARTIJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori HealthInternasional2016
5773RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Best PresentationInternasional2016
5774RIFALDY FAJARJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015 Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
5775RIFALDY FAJARJuara IIIThe 6th International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX) 2015Classed G Social ScienceInternasional2015
5776RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori Applied MathematicsInternasional2016
5777RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori HealthInternasional2016
5778RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe 3rd International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC) 2015Internasional2015
5779RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe 3rd International Youth Invention Contest (IYIC) Tahun 2015Bidang LingkunganInternasional2015
5780DIMAS BIMA NUR MAYPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5781DIMAS BIMA NUR MAYJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5782DIMAS BIMA NUR MAYJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5783MUFLIH FATHONIPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5784MUFLIH FATHONIJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5785MUFLIH FATHONIJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5786ANIS NUR FATIMAHJuara IIJuara II Kategori Best Rookie dalam Student Formula Competition 2015 di Ecopa Stadium JepangbereguInternasional2015
5787ANIS NUR FATIMAHJuara Harapan II2015 Student Formula JapanKategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5788ANIS NUR FATIMAHJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5789NOVIA NURAINIPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5790NOVIA NURAINIJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5791NOVIA NURAINIJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5792MERYA WULANSARIPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5793MERYA WULANSARIJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5794MERYA WULANSARIJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5795RONI SUPRAPTOPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5796RONI SUPRAPTOJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5797RONI SUPRAPTOJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
5798HASBI BRILIAN KUMARAPeserta KegiatanStudent Formula Competition 2015Internasional2015
5799HASBI BRILIAN KUMARAJuara Harapan IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori EfisiensiInternasional2015
5800HASBI BRILIAN KUMARAJuara IIStudent Formula Competition 2015Kategori Best Rookie Internasional2015
Menampilkan 5751-5800 dari 7348 hasil