Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
36301Azhim Rosyed IbrahimJuara I3rd International Art Creativity & Engineering Exhibition "I+Aceh" 2017 Internasional2017
36303FAISHAL AZIZ RAHMATJuara II3rd Final Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingInternasional2022
36304TIKA DESTIRATRI SJuara III3rd Best Speaker NUDC (National Universities Debating Championship) 2013  Nasional2013
36305DEWI INDRIYANTIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36306NAHLA NUR KHALISAHJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36307DEWI INDRIYANTIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36308DIAN SAPUTRAJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36309MIA LUVITA SARIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36310DYAH AYU NUR SARIYANJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36311FAIZ ILHAM PRATAMAJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
36313WILDA FEBRI KARTIKAJuara III2nd instiper taekwondo championship 2020kyorugi senior prestasi putri u49 kgWilayah2020
36314A.A. SUTADI SAPUTRAJuara II2nd Youth Camp of Agriculture (YCA) Tahun 2016 Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Tingkat Nasional Nasional2016
36315RIFALDY FAJARJuara II2nd Youth Camp of Agriculture (YCA) Tahun 2016 Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Tingkat NasionalNasional2016
36316KHABIB ANWARIJuara II2nd Youth Camp of Agriculture (YCA) Tahun 2016Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Tingkat NasionalNasional2016
36317HERIANTOJuara Harapan II2nd Youth Camp of Agriculture (YCA) Tahun 2016Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Tingkat Nasional Nasional2016
36318SINGGIH BEKTI WORSITOJuara I2nd World Innovation Invention Forum (WIIF)Internasional2017
36319RIZAL JUSTIAN SETIAWANJuara II2nd Winner of Enotech Essay CompetitionNasional2017
36320AVICENIA ADISHAJuara I2nd Speed Power International Open Taekwondo Championship 2017 Internasional2017
36321AVICENIA ADISHAJuara III2nd Speed Power International Open Taekwondo Championship 2017 Internasional2017
36322RIZAL JUSTIAN SETIAWANJuara Harapan II2nd Runner Up Winner of IGAP LNG Academy Scientific Paper Competition 2018Nasional2018
36323TIKA DESTIRATRI SJuara II2nd National English Education Debate (NEED) 2013 di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta  Nasional2013
36324MUHAMMAD FAHRIZANORJuara I2nd Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingNasional2021
36325FARIZ AL MUSTAQIMJuara I2nd Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingNasional2021
36326NEIL ARMSTRONGJuara I2nd Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingNasional2021
36327FIKRIAN REZA PRATAMAJuara I2nd Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingNasional2021
36328MALAINDO LEXY NOER TAZUDDINJuara I2nd Kibo Robot Programming ChallengeRobot ProgrammingNasional2021
36329NURUL HIDAYAHPemakalah2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics 2014 (IPCSM'14) Internasional2014
36330BELLA OGUSTINJuara II2nd Instiper taekwondo championshipPrestasiDaerah/Propinsi2020
36331GIFALDY ARIA FAHREZYJuara III2nd Instiper Taekwondo Championship se-DIY Jawa Tengah Tahun 2020 di Grha Instiper YogyakartaJuara III Kyorugi U58 Putra Wilayah2020
36332ADINDA ZELSHAJuara III2nd Instiper Taekwondo Championship se-DIY Jawa Tengah Tahun 2020 di Grha Instiper Yogyakarta Kyorugi U49 Putri Wilayah2020
36333LUZY CAHYANINGSIHJuara I2nd Instiper Taekwondo Championship DIY Jawa Tengah 2020TaekwondoDaerah/Propinsi2020
36334SABILLA NURUL ANNASTASYAJuara III2nd Instiper Taekwondo Championship 2020Senior U-57 kgDaerah/Propinsi2020
36335MUSA BENI RICARDO ARUANJuara III2nd Instiper Taekwondo Championship 2020Kyourugi (Tarung) U-63 Senior PutraWilayah2020
36336AGISSA NIKA WANDANIJuara II2nd Instiper Taekwondo ChampionshipJuara III Kyorugi Senior Prestasi Putri U49 KgDaerah/Propinsi2020
36337KAY RADJASA MUHAMMADJuara III2nd Instiper Taekwondo Champhionship DIY Jawa Tengah 2020Kyorugi atau TarungWilayah2020
36338DELA BERLIANA HARTANTO PUTRIJuara II2nd Bupati Kulon Progo Cup OPEN Archery Championship 2017Kabupaten/Kota2017
36339MARIA RENHA ROSARI PUTRI DOREJuara I2nd Bali International Folklore Choir Festival 2013Folklore Internasional2013
36340ZAKY MUBAROKJuara II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013 kategori Mixed Choir Internasional2013
36341ZAKY MUBAROKJuara II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013 kategori Folklore Internasional2013
36342YUSTISIA RIA PRADINIJuara II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013Folklore ChampionshipInternasional2013
36343MARIA RENHA ROSARI PUTRI DOREJuara Harapan II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013Mix Choir CompetitionInternasional2013
36344YUSTISIA RIA PRADINIJuara Harapan II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013Mix Choir CompetitionInternasional2013
36345MARIA RENHA ROSARI PUTRI DOREJuara II2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013Folklore ChampionshipInternasional2013
36346BELLA PRAMADITAJuara II2nd Bali International Choir Festival Internasional2013
36347BELLA PRAMADITAJuara I2nd Bali International Choir Festival Internasional2013
36348BELLA PRAMADITAJuara I2nd Bali International Choir Festival Internasional2013
36349ODHI PRATAMAFinalis I2nd Bali International Choir Competition, Silver Medal in Mixed Choir  Internasional2013
36350ODHI PRATAMAFinalis I2nd Bali International Choir Competition, Gold Medal in Folklore with total point 85,5 Internasional2013
Menampilkan 36301-36350 dari 37783 hasil