Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
35901RINI WINARTIJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori Applied MathematicsInternasional2016
35902RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Best PresentationInternasional2016
35903RINI WINARTIJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori HealthInternasional2016
35904RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori HealthInternasional2016
35905RIFALDY FAJARJuara IThe Egyptian International Invention and Innovation Exhibition (EGYPTINVENT) 2016Kategori Applied MathematicsInternasional2016
35906RODIATUL KHASANAHPeserta KegiatanThe English Journal Club Special for Essay Competiton  Regional2011
35907EKA AUDINAJuara IIThe Festhacio (Festival Academy Youth Innovation and Competition)Lomba Desain CVNasional2023
35908NURUL HIDAYAHJuara IThe Hack a Farm Innovation Camp Indonesia 2016The Hack a Farm Innovation Camp Indonesia 2016Nasional2016
35909ANDHIKA YUSUF WIDYAWANJuara IIThe Indonesia Student Print Media Awards (ISPRIMA) tahun 2017The Best of Java MagazineNasional2017
35910Teguh WicaksonoJuara IIThe International Competition on Student's Competence in Office Administration 2018English Public SpeakingInternasional2018
35911HERNAWAN PRABOWOJuara IThe International Conferece and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearn 2017)Electronic Teaching & Learning ResourcesInternasional2017
35912HERNAWAN PRABOWOPeserta KejuaraanThe International Conferece and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearn 2017)Electronic Teaching & Learning ResourcesInternasional2017
35913ANJASMORO ADI NUGROHOJuara IIThe International Conference and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearN2017)TeLearN AInternasional2017
35914AMALIA ROHMAHJuara IIThe International Conference and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearN2017)TeLearN AInternasional2017
35915AMALIA ROHMAHJuara IThe International Conference and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearN2017)TeLearN AInternasional2017
35916SINGGIH BEKTI WORSITOJuara IIThe International Conference and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearN2017)TeLearN AInternasional2017
35917SINGGIH BEKTI WORSITOJuara IThe International Conference and Competition on Teaching and Learning (i-TeLearN2017)TeLearN AInternasional2017
35918DENI KURNIANTO NUGROHOJuara IThe International Invention and Innovative Competition (InIIC Series 1 Malaysia) 2017 Internasional2017
35919ARIS SETIANTOJuara IThe International Virtual Students’ Business Idea and Product Innovation Competition (IVISBIPIC) 2023MahasiswaInternasional2023
35920MUH. DLIYAUL HAQJuara IThe International Virtual Students’ Business Idea and Product Innovation Competition (IVISBIPIC) 2023MahasiswaInternasional2023
35921LIA ANGGRAENIJuara IThe International Virtual Students’ Business Idea and Product Innovation Competition (IVISBIPIC) 2023MahasiswaInternasional2023
35922NAYUDIN HANIFJuara IThe International Virtual Students’ Business Idea and Product Innovation Competition (IVISBIPIC) 2023MahasiswaInternasional2023
35923PUTRI RAHMAWATIJuara HarapanThe Most Promising Performance Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB) Tahun 2011 Nasional2011
35924OKI ADITYAWARDHANAJuara HarapanThe Most Promising Performance Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB) Tahun 2011  Nasional2011
35925DWI NOFANDIJuara HarapanThe Most Promising Performance Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB) Tahun 2011  Nasional2011
35926DYAH PRADIPTAJuara HarapanThe Most Promising Performance Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB) Tahun 2011  Nasional2011
35927WAHYU JATI RATNA NJuara HarapanThe Most Promising Performance Grand Prix Marching Band (GPMB) Tahun 2011  Nasional2011
35928CANTIK ANJANIFinalisThe Office (TOE) 5.0 Lomba Fashion Show Tingkat NasionalMinat KhususNasional2021
35929WAHYU AGUNG ADI SETIAWANJuara IIThe World Art Camp OlympiadPhotographyInternasional2018
35930WAHYU AGUNG ADI SETIAWANJuara IThe World Art Camp OlympiadPhotographyInternasional2018
35931WAHYU AGUNG ADI SETIAWANJuara IThe World Art Camp OlympiadInternasional2018
35932NURUL AMALIA SABRINAJuara IThe World Art Camp OlympiadInternasional2019
35933RONY KURNIAWAN PRATAMAJuara IThe paper has published in International Conference on Education, Psychologyand Social Science (ICEPSS) in Hiyas ng Bulacan Convention Center, Malolos City,Bulacan, Philippines (May 22-23 2015) Internasional2015
35934RONY KURNIAWAN PRATAMAJuara IThe paper has published in Proceedings of the International Conference onEducation (ICEDU)–2015 at Beijing, China (2015) Internasional2015
35935RONY KURNIAWAN PRATAMAJuara IThe paper has published in international journal Tomorrow People Organizationin Bangkok (International Conference) (January 2014) Internasional2015
35936RONY KURNIAWAN PRATAMAJuara IThe paper has published in the International Conference on Language Studies(iCLS), Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (27-28 October2014) Internasional2014
35937RONY KURNIAWAN PRATAMAJuara IThe paper has published in the TLEiA5 International Conference which will beheld at Holiday Villa Hotel in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia (27-29 October 2014) Internasional2015
35938RINI WINARTIJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
35939RIFALDY FAJARJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015 Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
35940HERTIN EKA RAHMAWATIJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Internasional2015
35941ISRA KAIDAJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
35942MUHAMMAD FERRYJuara IIIThe 2nd International Young Inventors Award 2015Classed Agriculture & Enviromental and Renewable EnergyInternasional2015
35943Naning PratiwiJuara HarapanThird Runner Up dalam The 2016 Asian English Olympic di Universitas Bina Nusantara Nasional2016
35944WENNI SUNDARIJuara IIITiktok ChallengeNasional2020
35945RISKI SAKTIANINGSIHJuara IITim Double Event Putri Cabor Sepak Takraw dalam Pekan Olahraga Daerah (Porda) DIY Tahun 2015 di Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta  Daerah/Propinsi2015
35946RISKI SAKTIANINGSIHJuara ITim Putri Sepak Takraw Pekan Olahraga Daerah XII DIY Tahun 2013 di Yogyakarta  Daerah/Propinsi2013
35947RISKI SAKTIANINGSIHJuara IITim Regu Putri Cabor Sepak Takraw dalam Pekan Olahraga Daerah (Porda) DIY Tahun 2015 di Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta  Daerah/Propinsi2015
35948SAHRIL AFANDIJuara ITingkat Nasional VII “5th Civil in Action” Tahun 2016 Lomba Rancang Kuda-KudaNasional2016
35949AISHA LISTYA AMANDA PUTRIJuara ITinju Amatir Kab.Sragen Elite Women 54 kgKabupaten/Kota2022
35950HERIANTOJuara ITirtayasa Research Competition and Festival (Tracival) Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2016Bidang Sosial Pendidikan Nasional2016
Menampilkan 35901-35950 dari 37794 hasil