Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
34451RUSMEIANTOJuara I2015 International Students Green Car Competition, South Korea Internasional2015
34452SANDY GYMNASTIARJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015ManeuverInternasional2015
34453YUSUF MULYADIJuara I2015 International Student Green Car Competition, South Korea Internasional2015
34454MUHAMMAD MUSLIM MACHBUB SULTHONYFinalis IILomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Nasional Biology Exhibition Nasional2015
34455AGUNG SUPRIYANTOJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Maneuver Internasional2015
34456AGUNG SUPRIYANTOJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34457DWI ROS INDAHJuara IIKejuaraan internat panahan "Kip Cup" UNY 2015Aduan Perorangan PutriUNY2015
34458SUBEKTI UTAMININGSIHJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34459SANDY GYMNASTIARJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34460AGUNG SUPRIYANTOJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34461DYAH NURUL HAJARJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34462KOMARAJuara I2015 international students green car competition Internasional2015
34463RIZA LUKMANJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34464KOMARAJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34465RYAN HANANTAJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34466RYAN HANANTAJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Maneuver Internasional2015
34467RIZA LUKMANJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Maneuver Internasional2015
34468DYAH NURUL HAJARJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34469RIZA LUKMANJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34470SANDY GYMNASTIARJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34471RYAN HANANTAJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34472SANDY GYMNASTIARJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34473KOMARAJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015ManeuverInternasional2015
34474KOMARAJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34475SUBEKTI UTAMININGSIHJuara I2015 International Student Green Car Competition, South Korea Internasional2015
34476NOVITA PRAMUDI UTAMIJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34477NOVITA PRAMUDI UTAMIJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34478YANNA ANGGRAINI PRATIWIJuara IInnovation Contest 2016 Nasional2015
34479DYAH NURUL HAJARJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34480DYAH NURUL HAJARJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015ManeuverInternasional2015
34481KOMARAJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015EnduranceInternasional2015
34482RUSMEIANTOJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015ManeuverInternasional2015
34483RUSMEIANTOJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015AccelerationInternasional2015
34484YUSUF MULYADIJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34485RIZA LUKMANJuara I2015 International Student Green Car Competition Internasional2015
34486RUSMEIANTOJuara IInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Best of the Best Hybrid Vehicle Internasional2015
34487RYAN HANANTAJuara IIInternational Student Green Car Competition (ISGCC) 2015Endurance Internasional2015
34488SEPNU KHOIRUL IJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34489OKTA LESAGIAJuara IILomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Expo 7 Competition 2015 Nasional2015
34490Hana WahyuniJuara IILomba Menyanyi FIP Got Talent 2015Solo vocalUNY2015
34491ZES RON NABABANJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34493SEPNU KHOIRUL IJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015 di Lapangan Hockey Senayan Jakarta  Nasional2015
34494PANJI INDRAISUARAJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34495ANGGA PRADIKA SANDIJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34496KHOIRUR ROFI UDDINJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34497MARLINA FITRI SULASTRIJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putri “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34498KHUSNU TSAWABJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putra “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
34499ANITA PUSPA NINGRUMJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putri “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015 di Lapangan Hockey Senayan Jakarta  Nasional2015
34500RENIKA DYAH NUR CAHYAJuara IIIKejuaraan Hockey Putri “Indonesia Youth Hockey Challenge” Tahun 2015Nasional2015
Menampilkan 34451-34500 dari 37794 hasil