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Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
34451DYAH AYU RAMADHANIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34452DADANG EKA SYAHPUTRAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34453AGUNG PRAYOGAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34454SITI SOLEHA INDASAHPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34455BAHIY MUHAMMAD RAHMASPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34456DHIMAS DERRA ADIPRATAMAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34457FAIZ ARYASATYA MUZAKKIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34458TEGUH SETIAWAN NURHIDAYAHPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34459RIYAN IKHSAN NUGROHOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34460MUHAMMAD FARHAN FAUZANPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34461ANTON DWI MANTOROPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34462IRFAN ARIQ MAULANAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34463I KADEK WARJAYAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34464KESIT BAYU PURNOMOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34465SATRIA ELANG NUGRAHAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34466AZZAR BUDIYANTOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34467KARNA MUHAMMAD MAHDUNPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34468KAMILATUL ZUKHRUFFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34469SULTAN MUHAMMAD YUSUFJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34470GANANG AJI PRIAMBODOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34471GANANG AJI PRIAMBODOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipInternasional2023
34472MUHAMAD TAUHIDJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34473MUHAMMAD HILMY YUUSHATOFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34474MUHAMMAD HILMY YUUSHATOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34475DARMASTUTI EKA HARDIYANTIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34476FINGGI OKTOBERIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34477UMMI ESTIANINGSIHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34478KAMILATUL ZUKHRUFJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34479HERI UTOMOFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34480R. MUHAMMAD ARDHANAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34481HERI UTOMOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34482SULTAN MUHAMMAD YUSUFFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34483MUHAMAD AS'AT AZIZIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34484MUHAMMAD TAFIF FADHLURRAHMANJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34485ZULFA LAILA NUR AZKIYA'Juara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34486SULTAN MUHAMMAD YUSUFJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipInternasional2023
34487KAMILATUL ZUKHRUFFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34488DARMASTUTI EKA HARDIYANTIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34489ANATYA DEWI PRATAMAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34490MUHAMAD TAUHIDFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34491HERI UTOMOFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34492I KADEK BAGUS SURYANATAFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34493RASHAILIFA NASHAIHY SELMAFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34494IRVANDA SRI PURWANTOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipRegional2023
34495IRVANDA SRI PURWANTOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34496DICKY HERLAMBANG WIBISONOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipRegional2023
34497HAFIZ NUR ROHMANFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34498FAISAL NUGRAHAFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34499NAFIS WAHYU PURNOMOFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34500RIZAL ARMAN NUR HIDAYATFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
Menampilkan 34451-34500 dari 37818 hasil