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Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
34401MUKHAMMAD MAFTAKHUL AZIZPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34402ANTON DWI MANTOROPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34403DADANG EKA SYAHPUTRAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34404QURLITA SYAHARANIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34405ELISA HANDAYANIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34406ANTON DWI MANTOROPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34407SULTANTYO DJATINEGOROPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34408I WAYAN WARSITAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34409FAIZ ARYASATYA MUZAKKIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34410DELTA SETIYARINIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34411KESIT BAYU PURNOMOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34412KHALID HIMAWANPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34413DELTA SETIYARINIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34414AHMAD YOGA PRADANAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34415MUHAMMAD FARHAN FAUZANPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34416TAUFIQ NUR HIDAYATULLAHPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34417WYSHANG FAAT ABDAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34418HARYUN YUDISTIRAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34419RIYAN IKHSAN NUGROHOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34420DYAH AYU RAMADHANIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34421SULTANTYO DJATINEGOROPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34422ANDRI MUSTIKO WICAKSONOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34423SATRIA ELANG NUGRAHAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34424M. HILAL YAHYA HIDAYATPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34425MUHAMMAD AZZAM IMSAKIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34426TEGUH SETIAWAN NURHIDAYAHPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34427ANDRI MUSTIKO WICAKSONOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34428KHALID HIMAWANPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34429ANANG KUS WICAKSONOPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34430ARGA VEGI ANHARIPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34431MUHAMAD RAGIL TRI ATMAJAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34432ACHMAD IRFAK GHONIYAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Regional2020
34433KARNA MUHAMMAD MAHDUNPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34434SITI SOLEHA INDASAHPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34435DHIMAS DERRA ADIPRATAMAPeserta KejuaraanShell Eco-marathon Asia 2020Awarded of Passed Phase 3Internasional2020
34436DHIAZ SYAMRIAFAHDIFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34437MOHAMAD FAISAL AKBARFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34438UMMI ESTIANINGSIHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34439ZULFA LAILA NUR AZKIYA'FinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34440NAFIS WAHYU PURNOMOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Safety AwardInternasional2023
34441ANATYA DEWI PRATAMAFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34442BAIQ ERINA CAHYA PEBRIANIFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34443BAIQ ERINA CAHYA PEBRIANIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipInternasional2023
34444RIZAL ARMAN NUR HIDAYATFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Prototype Battery ElecticInternasional2023
34445DICKY HERLAMBANG WIBISONOFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34446BAHIY MUHAMMAD RAHMASJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
34447ZAIDAN AHMAD HIKAMIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipInternasional2023
34448ZAIDAN AHMAD HIKAMIFinalisShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Autonomous ProgrammingInternasional2023
34449HARUNDYA NARESH RAMADHANJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Regional ChampionshipInternasional2023
34450ALVIA TRIANA NUGRAHENIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon Asia-Pacific and the Middle East 2023Urban Concept Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) GasolineInternasional2023
Menampilkan 34401-34450 dari 37786 hasil