Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
4801ADIVTA YUDHA TAMAJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
4802SRI MUHIMATUL LAILAJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
4803AJI SAPUTRAJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
4804DEVI ERLINA SAPA'ATIJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
4805ERNA WIDIYANTIJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
4806FAIZ ILHAM PRATAMAJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4807DEWI INDRIYANTIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4808VINASTI FATONAHJuara IIIKompetisi Internasional Penemuan, Innovasi dan Desain (3IDC) 2020Institution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4809VINASTI FATONAHJuara IIKompetisi Internasional Penemuan, Innovasi dan Desain (3IDC) 2020Institution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4810MIA LUVITA SARIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4811DEWI INDRIYANTIJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4812NAHLA NUR KHALISAHJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4813DYAH AYU NUR SARIYANJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4814DEWI INDRIYANTIJuara IInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020 di Universiti Mara, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4815DIAN SAPUTRAJuara I3IDC (International Invention, Innovation, and Design) 2020, Kedah, MalaysiaInstitution of Higher Learners StudentsInternasional2020
4816DWI RAHMAWATIJuara IInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020 (3IDC 2020)Institution Of Heigher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4817ASTUTI NAVIAH APRILIANIJuara IIIMelaka International Intellectual Exposition (MIIEX) 2019InovatifInternasional2019
4818RIZKY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAHFinalisLomba Inovasi Digital MahasiswaInovasi Teknologi Digital PendidikanInternasional2021
4819JAIRUS ASHER PURDYJuara IIIAsean Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur FairInovasi TeknologiInternasional2022
4820ANGKI PRANAMUKTIJuara IIIAsean Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur FairInovasi TeknologiInternasional2022
4821RIZKAILLA NAMIRA PUSPITAJuara IIIAsean Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur FairInovasi TeknologiInternasional2022
4822ULFAINUN CHOIRUL ASLAMIJuara IIIAsean Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur FairInovasi TeknologiInternasional2022
4823ADINDA TIKA LISTYAJuara IIIAsean Innovative Science Environmental And Entrepreneur FairInovasi TeknologiInternasional2022
4824KHOIRUDIN NUR KHOLIFAHJuara IIIndonesia International Invention Festival (I3F)Inovasi MahasiswaInternasional2018
4825KHOIRUDIN NUR KHOLIFAHJuara IIIInternational Young Inventors Award (IYIA) 2018Inovasi MahasiswaInternasional2018
4826KHOIRUDIN NUR KHOLIFAHJuara IIIInternational Young Inventors Award (IYIA) 2019Inovasi MahasiswaInternasional2019
4827KHOIRUDIN NUR KHOLIFAHJuara IIndonesia International Invention Festival (I3F)Inovasi MahasiswaInternasional2018
4828ANISA NUR AZIZAHJuara IKompetisi Korean International Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE 2019)Inovasi KaryaInternasional2019
4829MUH. DLIYAUL HAQJuara IInnovative Research, Invention and Application Exhibition (I-RIA)InovasiInternasional2023
4830RIMA NURKHADIJAH MAMONTOJuara IIIKompetisi dan Pameran Penemuan Dunia (WICE) 2021Innovative Social Science Internasional2021
4831LUTFIANA WAHYU SAVITRIJuara IIIKompetisi dan Pameran Penemuan Dunia (WICE) 2021Innovative Social Science Internasional2021
4832INDANA SULISTYANINGRUMJuara IIIKompetisi dan Pameran Penemuan Dunia (WICE) 2021Innovative Social Science Internasional2021
4833ELMIATIN ZULVAJuara IIIKompetisi dan Pameran Penemuan Dunia (WICE) 2021Innovative Social Science Internasional2021
4834VERRILL ADHA VI VIANTORUSJuara IIWICE 2022Innovative Social ScienceInternasional2022
4835KHAIRUNNISA ZULFA ALIFAHJuara IIWICE 2022Innovative Social ScienceInternasional2022
4836FEBRIANIJuara IAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4837M. FARHAN AZIZJuara IAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4838FEBRIANIJuara Favorit/ApresiasiAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4839PRAMUDYA WAHYU PRADANAJuara Favorit/ApresiasiAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4840PRAMUDYA WAHYU PRADANAJuara IAjang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4841ATHI' NUR AULIATI RAHMAHJuara Favorit/ApresiasiAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4842M. FARHAN AZIZJuara Favorit/ApresiasiAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4843ATHI' NUR AULIATI RAHMAHJuara IAJang inovasi sains, lingkungan, dan kewirausahaan ASEAN 2021Innovative ScienceInternasional2021
4844INTANIA ISNAINIJuara I International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition (3IDC) 2020Innovative Products in cluster Science and TechnologyInternasional2020
4845JAIRUS ASHER PURDYJuara IIIRavteStudent Innovation AwardsInnovations in Educational ConstructionInternasional2023
4846SILVIA LARASATUL MASYITOHJuara IIIRavteStudent Innovation AwardsInnovations in Educational ConstructionInternasional2023
4847MIFTACHUL JANNAHJuara IIIRavteStudent Innovation AwardsInnovations in Educational ConstructionInternasional2023
4848EVA OKTINA HARINIJuara IIIRavteStudent Innovation AwardsInnovations in Educational ConstructionInternasional2023
4849NOVIA AYU LATIEFAJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2023Innovation Social ScienceInternasional2023
4850INDYRA YASMINJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2023Innovation Social ScienceInternasional2023
Menampilkan 4801-4850 dari 7400 hasil