Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
4751VERRILL ADHA VI VIANTORUSJuara HarapanAILEC 2022Vidio pendidikanInternasional2022
4752KHAIRUNNISA ZULFA ALIFAHJuara HarapanAILEC 2022Vidio pendidikanInternasional2022
4753ISABELA REKSA DINIFinalisModel PBB 2022InternasionalInternasional2022
4754EMBUN AYUDYA PAWESTRIPeserta KejuaraanCall For Paper dalam rangka UNY Scientific Fair 2022PaperInternasional2022
4755IDAM SAMUKTI ANWARFinalisKompetisi Jembatan Balsa National V 2022KelompokInternasional2022
4756ADITYA TEGGAR RINJANIFinalisKompetisi Jembatan Balsa National V 2022KelompokInternasional2022
4757ARIF ADIKA ANGGA PRATAMAFinalisKompetisi Jembatan Balsa National V 2022KelompokInternasional2022
4758FIRDAYANA MAKMURFinalisRegular Course on Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics Education for Senior High School Mathematics TeachersDelegasiInternasional2022
4759CHRISTOPHER CALVINPeserta Kejuaraanseleksi karya haiku harian selama 1 tahun oleh Surat Kabar Mainichi shimbun dari kontributor penulis haiku berbagai negara. Publikasi SastraInternasional2022
4760VARIANDO AUDION WIBISONOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4761OTOKO KEVIN SUNU FADHILAHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4762ELITA DWI SUSANTIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4763TAUFIQ NUR HIDAYATULLAHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4764BAGAS ARYA PUTRAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4765MUHAMMAD NAUFAL MUAFIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4766MUKHAMAD NUR ROCHIMJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4767GHEAFNI FATIKHA TASSAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4768VARIANDO AUDION WIBISONOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4769MUHAMMAD NAUFAL MUAFIJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4770CHRISTOPHER YONATHAN, IEJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4771KESIT BAYU PURNOMOJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4772IRAWAN KURNIA PRATAMAJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4773MUKHAMAD ANDRI PRASETIOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4774ISMAIL RAIHAN HIDAYATULLAHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4775IRFAN ARIQ MAULANAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4776MUHAMMAD FAQIH WIDEMJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4777NAUVAL HIBRIZIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4778ADHY WAHYU NUGROHOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4779EUGENIUS ISTOKO ADHI PRASETYOJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4780DELTA SETIYARINIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4781SITI SOLEHA INDASAHJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4782VARIANDO AUDION WIBISONOJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4783OTOKO KEVIN SUNU FADHILAHJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4784HANGGAR SETYA NOVANTOJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4785SYAHDANI ARNOYOGAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4786WYSHANG FAAT ABDAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4787DHIMAS DERRA ADIPRATAMAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4788SYAMAIDZAR SYAHIDJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4789YOHANES GILANG PRASAJA PUTRAJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4790AZKA BIMA LADAYYAJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4791MUKHAMAD NUR ROCHIMJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4792ELITA DWI SUSANTIJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4793TENGKU KHADIJAH NURUL HANIFAHJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4794EUGENIUS ISTOKO ADHI PRASETYOJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4795MUHAMMAD PARTONOJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4796NAUVAL HIBRIZIJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4797M. HILAL YAHYA HIDAYATJuara IShell Eco-marathon 2022Carbon Footprint Reduction Award Asia Pasific and Middle East Off-Track AwardInternasional2022
4798CANTICA AFNI RATNA AINUNJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4799DYAH NUNGKY SUKMAWATIJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
4800SULTANTYO DJATINEGOROJuara IIShell Eco-marathon 2022Simmulate to Innovate Award Supported by Altair Asia Pasific and Middle East Virtual Off-Track AwardsInternasional2022
Menampilkan 4751-4800 dari 7399 hasil