Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
4751KHAERANA MUTAHARA KASSYAFJuara IIIINDONESIA INTERNATIONAL INVENTION EXPO (IIIEX) Tahun 2022 Categories Industry 4.0 - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4752KHAERANA MUTAHARA KASSYAFJuara IIIWORLD INVENTION COMPETITION AND EXHIBITION (WICE) Tahun 2022 Categories Applied Physic and Engineering - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4753NURUL UMI RAMADHANIJuara IIIIndonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad (I2SPO) Tahun 2022 Categories Energy International Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4754AHMAD RIZAL RIFANIJuara IIIIndonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad (I2SPO) 2022 Categories Energy - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4755AHMAD RIZAL RIFANIJuara IIIINTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND INVENTION FAIR (ISIF) 2022 Categories Technology - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4756WILDAN HABIBULLOHJuara IIIWORLD INVENTION COMPETITION AND EXHIBITION (WICE) Tahun 2022 Categories Applied Physic and Engineering - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4757SILVIA SIANIPARJuara IIIINTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND INVENTION FAIR (ISIF) Tahun 2022 Categories Technology - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4758KHAERANA MUTAHARA KASSYAFJuara IIIIndonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad (I2SPO) Tahun 2022 Categories Energy International Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4759KHAERANA MUTAHARA KASSYAFJuara IIIINTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND INVENTION FAIR (ISIF) Tahun 2022 Categories Technology - Online & Offline CompetitionInternational Level Scientific Writing Competition - Bronze MedalInternasional2022
4760DHENI LEOJuara IIWidyatama International Academic Competition And Exhibition (WI-CAN) 2020International Instrumentation And Control Contes IIInternasional2020
4761FAHRUL HIDAYATJuara IIWidyatama International Academic Competition And Exhibition (WI-CAN) 2020International Instrumentation And Control Contes IIInternasional2020
4762FARIS ALFIANTOJuara IIWidyatama International Academic Competition And Exhibition (WI-CAN) 2020International Instrumentation And Control Contes IIInternasional2020
4763ZULHAKIM SEFTIYANA ROVIYANJuara IIWidyatama International Academic Competition And Exhibition (WI-CAN) 2020International Instrumentation And Control Contes IIInternasional2020
4764NILAM ARBA WULANDARIJuara IInternational Engineering Invention Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX) 2016 International Engineering Invention Internasional2016
4765ASTUTI LESTARIJuara IInternational Engineering Invention Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX) 2016 International Engineering Invention Internasional2016
4766YANNA ANGGRAINI PRATIWIJuara IInternational Engineering Invention Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX) 2016 International Engineering Invention Internasional2016
4767RAODA ISMAILJuara Favorit/ApresiasiThe 5th International Conference on Mathematical SciencesInternational ConferenceInternasional2023
4768WAIDATUN JUWARIYAHJuara IIInternational Youth Business Competition (Silver Medal) 2022InternationalInternasional2022
4769MUHAMMAD NAUFAL ALAMINJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4770MIRA DINA UMAMIJuara IKompetisi Kampanye Video tentang hemat energiInternasionalInternasional2023
4771RISQI WIDYASTUTIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4772UMUN NUR ZAKIYATUL MISKIYAHJuara IKompetisi Kampanye Video tentang hemat energiInternasionalInternasional2023
4773DEWI FATIMAH HASHIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4774ANISA NAFASARIJuara IKompetisi Kampanye Video tentang hemat energiInternasionalInternasional2023
4775HAURA AFIFAH SYUKRIJuara IYogyakarta Internasional Hoki ChallangeInternasionalInternasional2023
4776WIDIAGUNG KARUNIAWATIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4777RIZA ALFIYATUNJuara IWorld Youth Inventation and Innovation AwardInternasionalInternasional2021
4778ASHMA SYAFA ALMASYAJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4779FITRI WULANNINGSIHJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4780ISABELA REKSA DINIFinalisModel PBB 2022InternasionalInternasional2022
4781ALFIANA FEBRIANIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4782MIA FEBRIANTIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4783NURUL FATIHAHJuara IKompetisi Kampanye Video tentang hemat energiInternasionalInternasional2023
4784SHAFIRA LINTANG ANGGRAENIJuara IKompetisi Kampanye Video tentang hemat energiInternasionalInternasional2023
4785SAFRIDA SANTRIYANIJuara IIInternational Conference of Education & Futuristic Innovation ICEFI 2023InternasionalInternasional2023
4786Rizki Arumning TyasPeserta Kejuaraan2017 Student Formula JapanInternal Combustion EngineInternasional2017
4787AFRIAN DWI YUNITASARIJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4788ELLY NUR RAHMAWATIJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4789ELLY NUR RAHMAWATIJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4790AZWANJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4791ACHMAD SIDIQ ASADJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4792MUHAMMAD ABDUL AZIZJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4793MUHAMMAD ABDUL AZIZJuara IIIInternational Invention, Innovation & Design Competition 2020Institution or Higher Learning StudentsInternasional2020
4794AL ARRAFIJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4795NABELLA PUTRI HARI PRATIWIJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4796HAYUNI MU'AFA FAJRIJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4797ERNA WIDIYANTIJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4798JIHAN LUTFITAJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4799NABELLA PUTRI HARI PRATIWIJuara IIPenemuan, Inovasi, dan Desain InternasionalInstitution of Higher Learning StudentInternasional2020
4800AJI SAPUTRAJuara IIThe 2019 Inventors’ Hall of Fame, International Competition of Ideas, Inventions & InnovationsInstitution of Higher LearningInternasional2019
Menampilkan 4751-4800 dari 7399 hasil