Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
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NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
69151DANDA KAPINKAPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69152CAELIN YEFTA MONICA TAMBAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69153SILVA NUR LISTIANAPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru Akuntansi 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69155EVA NUR CAHYANINGSIHPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 Tema "Branding In Content Era, Creative Unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69156CINDE SAYUPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69158KRISTAMARA HUTABARATPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69159MESSIA NUR FITRIANIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69160KANAYA MUTIARA EXORAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 dengan tema "How to Have a Great Career: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millennial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69161SHABRINA TASNIMPeserta KegiatanSEMINAR NASIONAL 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69162ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Seminar KewirausahaanAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69163ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPanitiaMusyawarah Besar (MUBES) UKMF KM AL-FATIH FEB UNYAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69164RINTAN DWI APRILIANPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69165YEREMIA TOBIAS HUTABARATPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69166NUR WULAN ANUGERAHATIPeserta KegiatanSDP FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69167AYU OKCTA NABILAPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69168AYU OKCTA NABILAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69169ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69170VEDHITA ALNADHIFAHPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PEM)Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69171LISTYA CANDRA NOVICA FITRIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Incidental Event UKMF Inspire 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69172SRI FATONAHPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023 dengan tema "Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa untuk Kreatif dan Inovatif Melalui PKM 2024"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69173WINAHYU WIBAWANI KUSUMAWATIPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023 "How to Have a Great Carreer: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69174ZUFA ATHIFA SYUJAPanitiaBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69175NAURA KHOLDA KHOIRUNISAPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69176SRI FATONAHPeserta KegiatanStudent Development Program (SDP) FE UNY 2022Auditorium FEB UNY2022
69177DESYANA PRAMESTIPeserta KegiatanPPSMB ESPOIR 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69178NIRINA ZAHRA JAHRO VIENANDIKA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanVisit and Greet KSPM FEB UNY dengan tema "Start Investing Creatively to Become The Next Successful Investor"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69179ANANDA HERTIYANA AGUSTINPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru Akuntansi 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69180SHERLY MEILANI PUTRIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 dengan tema : "Branding In Content Era, Creative unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69181ANANDA HERTIYANA AGUSTINPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69182MUHAMMAD IHSAN RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru Akuntansi 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69183MUHAMMAD PRAYOGA AJI RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanStudium Generale KSPM FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69184SHERLY MEILANI PUTRIPeserta KegiatanSDP FEB UNY 2023 dengan tema "Unleashing Youth Potential : Empowering Innovation and Creativity in the Era of Society 5.0"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69185MUHAMMAD FALAH FAKHRUDDINPanitiaMusyawarah Besar UKMF KM AL-FATIH 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69186MUTYARAHMA DAYINTAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Incidental Event UKMF Inspire tahun 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69187FARIDAH NUR AZIZAHPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Incidental Event UKMF Inspire tahun 2023 dengan tema "Inspire the Young Entrepreneur to Spot Business Feasibility and Prospect"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69188SELVI NUR LISTIANIPeserta KegiatanSTUDIUM GENERALE "Creating Visionary Investors for Stronger Invesmest Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69189ERLINDA TRIANA NURHANTARIPanitiaOffice Day Lomba Mahasiswa Administrasi Tingkat Nasional tahun 2022Auditorium FEB UNY2022
69190ANISIAM DYAH AYU MANGGARANTIPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69191FAYZA FITRI RAHMADIANTIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 : "Branding in Content Era, Creative Unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69193ATALIA EGA RODENAPeserta KegiatanSeminar NasionalAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69194FARIDAH NUR AZIZAHPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru Akuntansi 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69195SYIFA ATANIA NURUL IHZAPeserta KegiatanSDP 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69196SHAFA NISRINAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional "How to Have a Great Carreer"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69197KRESENTIA APRILIA KUSUMAWATIPeserta KegiatanStudent Development Program (SDP) Bidang Leadership FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69198AXELINA DAVA AVRIELLIANDINYPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69199SILVA NUR LISTIANAPeserta KegiatanStadium Generale "Creating Visionary Inventors for Stronger Investment Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69200AXELINA DAVA AVRIELLIANDINYPeserta KegiatanVennus Seminar kewirausahaan Auditorium FEB UNY2023
Menampilkan 69151-69200 dari 70746 hasil