Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
1551ZIRA CLEWIN LAJAMEPeserta KegiatanSOSIALISASI PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1553NIRINA ZAHRA JAHRO VIENANDIKA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanVisit and Greet KSPM FEB UNY dengan tema "Start Investing Creatively to Become The Next Successful Investor"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1554AXELINA DAVA AVRIELLIANDINYPeserta KegiatanVennus Seminar kewirausahaan Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1555SHAFA NISRINAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional "How to Have a Great Carreer"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1556NANDA SABIYA ERLIENAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 Hima ManajemenAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1557SRI FATONAHPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023 dengan tema "Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa untuk Kreatif dan Inovatif Melalui PKM 2024"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1558NUR HASANAH FEBRIANAPeserta KegiatanVenus Seminar KewirausahaanAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1559AMANDA NAYLA NASTITIPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa BaruAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1560IRODATUL HASANAHPeserta KegiatanWARDAH CAMPUS ROADSHOW x SPOM#2 "How to Plan Your Magang Merdeka Paragon with Better Preparation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1561KANAYA MUTIARA EXORAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 dengan tema "How to Have a Great Career: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millennial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1562AYU OKCTA NABILAPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Seminar Kewirausahaan PEESTA (PE Entrepreneurship TalksAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1563CHELSEA GALATIA ANGKATPeserta KegiatanStudent Development ProgramAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1564RYAN FADEY EL EDRUSPeserta Kegiatanseminar nasionalAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1565ATIKAH AZALIAPeserta KegiatanSeminar NasionalAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1566SYIFA ATANIA NURUL IHZAPeserta Kegiatansemnas 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1567UMI DITA YANTIPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1568WAHYU INDAH WIDYANINGRUMPeserta KegiatanSTUDIUM GENERALE "Creating Visionary Investors for Stronger Investment Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1569DESYANA PRAMESTIPeserta KegiatanPPSMB ESPOIR 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1570VEDHITA ALNADHIFAHPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PEM)Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1571ANANDA HERTIYANA AGUSTINPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1572AGESTI HIDAYATUL HIKMAHModeratorSeminar Nasional Himpunan Mahasiswa Manajemen UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1573SILVA NUR LISTIANAPeserta KegiatanStadium Generale "Creating Visionary Inventors for Stronger Investment Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1574WINAHYU WIBAWANI KUSUMAWATIPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023 "How to Have a Great Carreer: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1575SHERLY NADYA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanPPSMB AKUNTANSI 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1576FARIDAH NUR AZIZAHPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru Akuntansi 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1577LUSY DEVITAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Evaluasi usaha berbasis studi kelayakan bisnisAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1578FINANDA RESTU ANARGYA ARKANPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1579CAELIN YEFTA MONICA TAMBAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1580SELVI NUR LISTIANIPeserta KegiatanSTUDIUM GENERALE "Creating Visionary Investors for Stronger Invesmest Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1581SHERLY MEILANI PUTRIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 dengan tema : "Branding In Content Era, Creative unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1582HETIKA PRECILLIA ANGGRAENIPanitiaMusyawarah Besar UKMF KM AL-FATIH 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1583SYIFA ATANIA NURUL IHZAPeserta KegiatanSDP 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1584CINDE SAYUPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1585LUMINTA ADJIE SUKMAPeserta KegiatanWorkshop KewirausahaanAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1586MUTYARAHMA DAYINTAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Incidental Event UKMF Inspire tahun 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1587SAGITA FITRIDIA PURBASARIPanitiaBusiness Talk 9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1588MUHAMMAD PRAYOGA AJI RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanStudium Generale KSPM FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1589ANGGIE PUSPITA RAHMADANIPeserta KegiatanVENUS Pendidikan EkonomiAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1590NANDA SABIYA ERLIENAPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PPSMB) Manajemen 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1591DEWI FITRIANINGRUM CAHYATIPeserta KegiatanVennusAuditorium FEB UNY2023
1592KRISTAMARA HUTABARATPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1593DWIANTI NUR FARADISPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1594QIESKA AVIVAH FEBRIANIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional Hima Manajemen 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1595MESSIA NUR FITRIANIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1596RINTAN DWI APRILIANPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1597RESTA DANA WULANDARIPeserta KegiatanSemnas 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1598NADIA PUTRI RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanSEMINAR NASIONAL 2023 “How to Have a Great Career: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in The Millennial Era”Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1599YOHANES KRISTIAN SURYA WICAKSANAPeserta KegiatanStudium Generale KSPM FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
1600EVA NUR CAHYANINGSIHPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 Tema "Branding In Content Era, Creative Unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
Menampilkan 1551-1600 dari 70920 hasil