Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
67751AMJAD ABDURRAHMANPanitiaSeminar KWU 2023Ruang Rapat 3, FEB UNY2023
67752MEYNASWA AYUDYA PASYAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Online via zoom2023
67753SEPTYA ARDINA RAHMASARIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67754SAVRILIA ALYA DWIYANTIPeserta Kegiatansiang keakraban bulutangkis unyjoglo salak2023
67755MUKHTARUDIN POHANPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67756KHEISYA DZAMAR AZADAPeserta KegiatanSeminar KewirausahaanRuang Rapat 3 FEB UNY2023
67757AULIA DWI KHUSNARINIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67758ANGGITA PUTRI MITAYANIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67759VINDHY MELINDHAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt.3 Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67760SABBIH FADHILLAH SAPUTRI Peserta KegiatanWorkshop Desain Grafis dengan tema Easy Design: Tips to Start your Journey in Graphic Design with CanvaRuang Seminar PLA Lantai 3, FBSB UNY2023
67761CHESA OKTAVIANAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67762WANDA SABILA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67764HERLIN DWISHAFA RACHMA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67765FRISCILLA NAFTALIA AGUSTINPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY & Online via Zoom2023
67766SITI AMINAH ZAHROTUN NISA`Peserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY 2023
67767ANGGA DWI ATMAJAPanitiaHeritage Trail Run Gunung Api Purba - Nglanggeran2023
67768AYU DYAH NASTITIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67769ADHINDA RAHMADINAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional "Strategi Penyiapan Tenaga Pendidik Era Digitalisasi: Titik Terang Program Rekrutmen Guru Berbasis Marketplace"Cine Club Seminar Room, Ki Ageng Suryomentaram Building FBSB UNY2023
67770ANANDA HERTIYANA AGUSTINPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Zoom2023
67771ALFI NUR LAILIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt.3 Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67772TAHNIAH ILMU AMALIAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67773HASNA IZZA LUTHFIAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY 2023
67774ZAHRA SAFAINA PUTRIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67775ALVINA PUTRI LARASATIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional "Strategi Penyiapan Tenaga Pendidik Era Digitalisasi: Titik Terang Program Rekrutmen Guru Berbasis Marketplace"FBSB UNY 2023
67776SYADWAN ZAKIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt.3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67777VEDHITA ALNADHIFAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Student Center UNY lantai 3 2023
67778AFRAH INAYATIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY dan Online Via Zoom 2023
67779REFI YUNI MARISKAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67780OCTAVIA NUR RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanGeneral FomunyStudent Center UNY Lantai 32023
67781ADYA SHAHARANI INTAN LAEILAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67782DZAHABIYYAH ADYANA NUGROHOPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY 2023
67783SALSABILA NUR'AFAFAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt.3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67784MUHAMMAD FAHMI FAHRUDINPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67785RISKY LAILATUN NAFISAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67786ISTIKOMAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023 Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67787LILIK PUJIYATIPeserta KegiatanStadium General 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67788SHAFA FITRIANAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lantai 3, Gedung Student Center Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2023
67789DEVITA ANGGRAENIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67790HETIKA PRECILLIA ANGGRAENIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt.3 Student Center UNY2023
67791SRI ROHAYU HANDAYANIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67792ANNISA NUR HANIFAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67793VIRRA AULIA FITRIANIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67794ANANDA CITRA CANTIKAPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula lantai 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67795DINI APRIYANIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67796UMI NURIYAHPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67797HASYA ALIYYAHPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional Administrasi Publik 2023Gedung IKA UNY2023
67798ZAHROTUL ANINDYA NUGRAHENIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
67799KARTIKA YUNIASTRIPeserta KegiatanWorkshop PKMZoom meeting 2023
67800AKHMAD FATHONIPeserta KegiatanStadium General FOMUNY 2023Aula Lt. 3, Gedung Student Center UNY2023
Menampilkan 67751-67800 dari 70920 hasil