Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
69001ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69002SUCI PARAMITHA INASTUTIPeserta KegiatanPPSMB Espoir 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69003ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPanitiaMusyawarah Besar (MUBES) UKMF KM AL-FATIH FEB UNYAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69004ELISTA DEA NUR RAHAYUPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Seminar KewirausahaanAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69005NADIA PUTRI RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanAcara Pengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69006KANADEVA HOSANNA AUGUSTA PANGARIBUANPeserta KegiatanPPSMB Espoir dengan tema "Mewujudkan Generasi Berkarakter dan Berkualitas sebagai Langkah Awal Menjadi Mahasiswa Unggul di Era 5.0"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69007SYIFA ATANIA NURUL IHZAPeserta Kegiatansemnas 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69008YUNI PUJI NUGRAHINIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 "How to Have a Great Carreer : Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69009NUR HASANAH FEBRIANAPeserta KegiatanVenus Seminar KewirausahaanAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69010MUFID ADNANPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69011MESSIA NUR FITRIANIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69012KRESENTIA APRILIA KUSUMAWATIPeserta KegiatanStudent Development Program (SDP) Bidang Leadership FEB UNY 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69013HETIKA PRECILLIA ANGGRAENIPanitiaMusyawarah Besar UKMF KM AL-FATIH 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69014ZAHNIAR NESYAH HARUMNINGTYASPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69015ARFI ROFIQ SETIAWANPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023 "Hpw to Have a Great Carreer : Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Student in the Milenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69016EVA NUR CAHYANINGSIHPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 Tema "Branding In Content Era, Creative Unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69017ZAHNIAR NESYAH HARUMNINGTYASPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Seminar Kewirausahaan PEESTA (PE Entrepreneurship Talks)Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69018ASYIFA RAHMAH MELIANAPeserta KegiatanSeminar Kewirausahaan Incidental Event 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69020FACHRUNISA MAHARANI HARDOYOPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM)Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69021KRISTAMARA HUTABARATPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69022CHELSEA GALATIA ANGKATPeserta KegiatanAcara Pengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69023GALANG SAMUDRA SUCI PRASETYAPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi Bagi Mahasiswa Baru 2023 ManajemenAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69025NIKEN AYUNINGSIHPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69026FLAVIKA RYSHA SEKARAYUNIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional Hima ManajemenAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69027SITI HARIYANTIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69028TRIYANTO AJI NUGROHOPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69029NABILA KHOLIDIYAPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023 "How to Have a Great Carreer : Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69030ZIRA CLEWIN LAJAMEPeserta KegiatanSOSIALISASI PKM 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69031ATALIA EGA RODENAPeserta KegiatanSeminar NasionalAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69032AYU OKCTA NABILAPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Seminar Kewirausahaan PEESTA (PE Entrepreneurship TalksAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69034SILVA NUR LISTIANAPeserta KegiatanStadium Generale "Creating Visionary Inventors for Stronger Investment Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69035DEWI FITRIANINGRUM CAHYATIPeserta KegiatanSosialisasi PKM Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69036DEWI FITRIANINGRUM CAHYATIPeserta KegiatanVennusAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69037LIDA JUFROTUN NGUYUNPeserta KegiatanSEMINAR VENUS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69038FAYZA FITRI RAHMADIANTIPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9 : "Branding in Content Era, Creative Unique, and Creative Branding Content"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69039PAULA WINDA MAHARDIKAPeserta KegiatanVENNUS Pendidikan Ekonomi 58 Tahun Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69040ZULFA KHOIRINA DEWIPeserta KegiatanSeminar Nasional 2023 "How to Have a Great Carreer: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in the Millenial Era"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69041MUHAMMAD FALAH FAKHRUDDINPanitiaMusyawarah Besar UKMF KM AL-FATIH 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69042ANISIAM DYAH AYU MANGGARANTIPeserta KegiatanSEMNAS 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69043SELVI NUR LISTIANIPeserta KegiatanSTUDIUM GENERALE "Creating Visionary Investors for Stronger Invesmest Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69044HULALUL ASHFIYAPeserta KegiatanProgram pengembangan studi FEB 2023Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69045NAFRITYA CALLISTAPeserta KegiatanPengenalan Program Studi bagi Mahasiswa BaruAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69046WAHYU INDAH WIDYANINGRUMPeserta KegiatanSTUDIUM GENERALE "Creating Visionary Investors for Stronger Investment Generation"Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69047NADIA PUTRI RAMADHANIPeserta KegiatanSEMINAR NASIONAL 2023 “How to Have a Great Career: Soft Skills and Hard Skills Develop Students in The Millennial Era”Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69048DANDA KAPINKAPeserta KegiatanBusiness Talk #9Auditorium FEB UNY2023
69049RYAN FADEY EL EDRUSPeserta Kegiatanseminar nasionalAuditorium FEB UNY2023
69050RYAN FADEY EL EDRUSPeserta KegiatanPPSMB ManajemenAuditorium FEB UNY2023
Menampilkan 69001-69050 dari 70626 hasil