Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
70201TRI NUR MILENIYATIPeserta Kegiatan7th International Conference on Ethics on Business, Economics and Social Sciences in conjuring with the 3rd Annual Conference on Management Challenges Secara Daring 2020
70202M. Bongsu AbdilahPanitia7th AVOS & Misi Budaya "Anggayuh Aruming Nuswantara"Penang, Malaysia2015
70203MUHAMMAD HILMAN AGOST DERMAWANPanitia7th A Voyage Of Songs (AVOS) International Choral FestivalPenang, Malaysia2015
70204DIANA PRASTIWIPeserta Kegiatan7-Minute Presentation for Thesis CompetitionTheater Room of General Lecture Building2019
70205SYELLA AYUNISA RANIPeserta Kegiatan7-Minute Presentation for Thesis CompetitionPPs UNY2019
70206NUR YAUMIL AWALIAHPanitia7 Minute Presentation for Thesis CompetitionTheater Room of General Lecture Building2019
70207WILIS PUTRI HAPSARIPeserta Kegiatan6th University Scholars Leadership SymposiumHong Kong 2017
70208DEWI TRIANTINIPemakalah Utama6th International Conference on Technology and Vocational TeachersFakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2020
70209MOHAMAD RIYANDI BADUPemakalah6th International Conference on Technology and Vocational TeachersUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2020
70210AJI SAPUTRAPemakalah6th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (6th ICRIEMS)East Park Hotel, Yogyakarta2019
70211WINDHA PURNAMA DHARIPanitia6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation Hotel UNY2018
70212DEVANIA MANDALIKA HAGIPengajar6th Batch of Southeast Asian Student-Teacher Exchange ProgramSaint Mary's University Senior High School, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines2018
70213AMBAR FIDIANINGSIHPeserta Kegiatan5th Undergraduate Conference with the theme "Exploring Language and Language Learning"Universitas Sanata Dharma2017
70214ROBIATUL ADAWIYAHPemakalah5th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2019, themed "Industrial Revolution 4.0: Impacts, Challenges and Strategies in Science Education"UNY2019
70215LINDAH PERMATA SARIPemakalah5th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2019Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2019
70216RIA ALMARETAPanitia5th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2019Rektorat UNY2019
70217LINDAH PERMATA SARIPanitia5th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2019Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2019
70218ROSALITA ANGGI SURYANTOPemakalah5th International Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education and 7th International Seminar on Science EducationUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2021
70219NASTIA CAHYANING AHSANIPemakalah Utama5th International Conference on Research, Implementation, and Education of Mathematics and ScienceHotel Eastparc Yogyakarta2018
70220SUMBAJI PUTRANTOPemakalah5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science 2018Eastparc Hotel2018
70221DWI ARDI MEYLANAPemakalah5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (5th ICRIEMS) 2018Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta2018
70222IBNU RAFIPemakalah5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (5th ICRIEMS)HOTEL EASTPARC, YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA2018
70223ELSA SUSANTIPemakalah5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and Science (5th ICRIEMS)Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta2018
70224RESSY RUSTANUARSIPemakalah Utama5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and ScienceYogyakarta State University2018
70225ANWAR RIFA'IPemakalah5th International Conference on Research, Implementation and Education of Mathematics and ScienceFMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
70226TEGAR ARI WIDIANTOPemakalah5th Internasional Symposium on the Application of Nuclear Technologi as a Key Element to Promote Competitive National Industrial Produce: Energy, Health, Agriculture, Industry and EnvironmentUniversitas Negeri Semarang-Semarang2019
70227NILAM CAHYA NUGRAHENIPemakalah Utama5th ISSE (International Seminar Science Education) 2019Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2019
70228RINA RAHMAWATIPemakalah5th ISIMMED- 7th ISSE UNY 2021Zoom meeting2021
70229RINA SARI DEWIPanitia4th National Newbie Debating Competition 2015 in Colaboration with 51th Dies Natalis UNYGK 1 FBS UNY2015
70230AMBAR FIDIANINGSIHPeserta Kegiatan4th National Newbie Debating Competition 2015 in Colaboration with 51 Dies Natalis UNYGK I FBS UNY2015
70231SWARA HATI NURANIPanitia4th National Newbie Debating Competition 2015GK 1 FBS UNY2015
70233ANIESATUS SA'DIYAHPeserta Kegiatan4th International Seminar on Science Education 2018Main Meeting Room, Rectorat Building, UNY2018
70234PUSPA MEGA CANDRAPeserta Kegiatan4th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE), themed "Emphasizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) in Science Education for Supporting 21st Century Skills Standard.Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
70235RIA ALMARETAPanitia4th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2018 Rektorat UNY2018
70236LINDAH PERMATA SARIPanitia4th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2018Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
70237ASRI DWITAPemakalah4th International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISIMMED)Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Secara Virtual)2020
70238IQLIMA RAMADHANI FABELLAEditor4th International Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education dengan tema Rethinking the Role of Statistics, Mathematics and Mathematics Education in Society 5.0: Theory, Research and Practice.Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2021
70239ITTAQIE TAFUZIEEditor4th International Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics EducationOnline2021
70240EVA JULIANINGSIHEditor4th International Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics EducationVicon2021
70241MELANIA DESTA MAHARANIEditor4th International Seminar of Innovation in Matematics and Matematics Education dengan tema Rethinking the Role of Statistics, Matematics and Matematics Education in Society 5.0: Theory, Research, and PracticeYogyakarta2021
70242RIDWANPeserta Kegiatan4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Training 2016"Strengthening TVET in ASEAN Economic Community"Yogyakarta State University2016
70243NIKKO AJI BAYU NUGRAHAPemakalah4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education (ICE ELINVO) 2021UNY2021
70244NATHANIELA DEVANY MIRAMAPeserta Kegiatan4th International Conference On Linguistics And Language TeachingZoom UNY (Online)2021
70245ARMA WANGSAEditor4th Internationa Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics EducationVirtual2020
70246AYU DEWI HIDAYATIPembicara4th ICSSED (International Conference Social Sciences and Education)Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, UNY2020
70247DEBY MUTIARA SARIPanitia4. Internationale Konferenz des Indonesischen GermanistenverbandesUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
70248BRYLIANO MAHATAMA PUTRAPeserta Kegiatan4. Internationale Konferenz des Indonesischen GermanistenverbandesUNY2018
70249ELLYTA ARDIANISAPeserta Kegiatan4 Pilar Goes to CampusRektorat UNY2012
70250MUSSA S ABUBAKARIPemakalah3rd-International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education (ICE-ELINVO) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Online/Zoom)2020
Menampilkan 70201-70250 dari 70626 hasil