Foto UGM International Trail Run (ITR) 2022
Finalis 7km UGM International Trail Run (ITR) 2022

DOARESTI DIAN PERTIWI atau sering dipanggil DOARESTI berasal dari Program Studi S1 Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Internasional dalam bidang Olahraga yaitu Finalis 7km UGM International Trail Run (ITR) 2022 yang di ikuti 800 peserta dari 2 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 10 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh UGM bertempat di Wanagama Eco Edu Forest pada tanggal 16 Okt 2022 s/d 16 Okt 2022 UGM International Trail Run 2022 will take place on 16 October 2022 at Wanagama Eco Edu Forest, Playen, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta for the very first time. This event held by UGM colaborate with KAGAMA, KLUB (Kagama Lari Untuk Berbagi) and organized by Trail Runners Yogyakarta. #RUNEDUCARE RUN Running have become the lifestyle of most people. Not only makes the body healthy, running can also provide other benefits such as happiness because of the presence of endorphins produced. Running not only can be done on the track and the road but can also run in the nature called trail running. Trail running itself means runners run on terrain which is mostly not a road, can be on land, mud, forest, countryside and even across a small river. EDU Race village environment-based education, Wanagama Forest, which is located between Playen District and Patuk District, Gunungkidul, continues to preen. Wanagama Forest itself has long been known as an education and research forest managed by the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University (FK-UGM) since 1964. But now, along with the times, tourism sector production is expanding, forests covering 622.25 hectares are also being developed as an eco edu forest. Wanagama itself comes from the word wana “which means forest, and gama “which means Gadjah Mada. If put together, Wanagama means Gadjad Mada forest. In addition to wood museums and assisted villages, Wanagama also develops ecotourism as one of the attractions of visitors. This vehicle contains camping sites, outbound, river flow, to live in as one of the educational tourist destinations. CARE In addition to running to introducing Wanagama Eco Edu Forest in the celebration of UGM’s 70th Anniversary, #RunningForSharing project will be highlighted through this event. This project aims to collect donations for people with needs and disabilities who have not been able to enjoy this experience. Later, some of the registration fees will be set aside for donations, and also, our friends from KLUB (Kagama Lari Untuk Berbagi) will help to collect donations through the same means as they previously did at the event of Kagama Virtual Running.... Lihat Selengkapnya >>