Foto Festival Seni Kelautan Internasional 2020
Juara III Student Festival Seni Kelautan Internasional 2020

ATHI' NUR AULIATI RAHMAH atau sering dipanggil ATHI' berasal dari Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Internasional dalam bidang Seni yaitu Juara III Student Festival Seni Kelautan Internasional 2020 yang di ikuti 104 peserta dari 27 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 27 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh Asian Federation of Arts, Culture and Science AsianACS bertempat di Korea Selatan pada tanggal 06 Nov 2020 s/d 06 Nov 2020 The theme of 2020IOAF is named: life, ocean, culture. The purpose of the theme is to call on people to look back on history, pay attention to the nourishment that the ocean has brought to mankind in the past millions of years, and treat the cultures formed in all basins on an equal footing, and to jointly create something conducive to human survival and development ecosystem. Especially in the special period of 2020, mankind will fight for the common problem of survival. At this moment, we need to respect cultural diversity, discover and appreciate the beauty of other cultures on the basis of cognition of our own culture, so as to appreciate, praise and blend with each other. People of different cultures must form a consensus of learning and helping each other, and jointly meet the opportunities and challenges of mankind in the future.... Lihat Selengkapnya >>