Foto Youth International Science Fair 2022
Juara I Social Sciences Youth International Science Fair 2022

RENDY NOVIANTO atau sering dipanggil RENDY berasal dari Program Studi D-IV Manajemen Pemasaran, Fakultas Vokasi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta menjuarai kejuaraan tingkat Internasional dalam bidang Penalaran yaitu Juara I Social Sciences Youth International Science Fair 2022 yang di ikuti 3365 peserta dari 673 perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari 23 negara. Kejuaraan ini diselenggarakan oleh Indonesian Young Scientist Association bertempat di Institut Pertanian Bogor dan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, dalam jaringan. pada tanggal 13 Feb 2022 s/d 17 Mar 2022 The number of creativity and idea development make students produce many products that are beneficial to society and the environment. Creativity and the development of ideas as outlined in the written work require a place to evaluate the results. This forum can be an arena for creativity competition among students (elementary/junior high/high school/equivalent) and international level students. This forum is expected to help evaluate the results of students' research. Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with Food Science and Technology Department, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), UNISMA (Universitas Islam Malang) and Buca Municipality Kizilcullu Science and Art Center, BUCA IMSEF (International Music, Science, Energy, and Engineering Fair), Turkey will hold an activity “Youth International Science Fair (YISF).” This event is also supported by the Malaysia Innovation Invention Creativity Association (MIICA) Malaysia and Actuarial Department, Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember. Last year, YISF collaborated with Buca Municipality Kizilcullu Science and Art Center, BUCA IMSEF (International Music, Science, Energy, and Engineering Fair). And supported by the Malaysia Innovation Invention Creativity Association (MIICA), The Union of Arab Academics, Actuarial Science Department Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, and Science Hunter Indonesia. In the first year (2021) YISF was held online and was attended by 357 teams from 23 countries. For this year, YISF is back with the hope of being the right place for researchers to evaluate the ideas and works that have been produced. ... Lihat Selengkapnya >>