Daftar Prestasi Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanKategoriTingkatTahunMenu
36501MICHAEL LEONARD SUNGKONOPeserta KejuaraanWorkshop Pencegahan dan Penanganan Cedera OlahragaPesertaUNY2023
36502JOKI ANDEKAJuara Favorit/ApresiasiWorkshop Peningkatan Prestasi Mahasiswa UNY Penalaran UNY2023
36503ALFAREIZ SAUBIL HAQFinalisWorkshop Scrum Project Management 2021WorkshopNasional2021
36504ELIZABETH NOVENTIRAJuara IWorkshop Simulasi Kewirausahaan: Econosphere 2 Kabupaten/Kota2017
36505IKANA ASTHI NJuara IIIWorkshop Trans7 "Eksis Jadi Jurnalis TV" Regional2015
36506AFIF OKTAVIA PUTRI SAKTIJuara IIIWorkshop and Competition Student Collaborative Design 2018UNY2018
36507ERIFA NENI AGUSTINAJuara IWorkshop and Competition Student Collaborative Design 2018UNY2018
36508RODIATUL KHASANAHPeserta KegiatanWorkshop penulisan LATEX Regional2014
36509TIARA FADHILAHJuara IWorld Art Camp Olympiadbodyform architecture, booth instalation, grand championInternasional2018
36510MIFTAH DEWI CIPTANINGRUMJuara IWorld Costume Festival 2013 Internasional2013
36511NARESWARA AN NASHRJuara IWorld Costume Festival 2013  Internasional2013
36512PURWOSIWI PANDANSARI, S.PD.Juara IWorld Costume Festival 2013 di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines  Internasional2013
36513NOVITA SARIJuara IWorld Costume Festival 2013 di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines  Internasional2013
36514SOFIA AIFANDIJuara IWorld Costume Festival 2016Internasional2016
36515DICKY NURUL ILHAMJuara IWorld Costume Festival 2016 Internasional2016
36516PERA ROGANDA SINAGAJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36517PURWOSIWI PANDANSARI, S.PD.Juara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2015
36518KUSMINARKO WARNO, S.PD.Juara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36519HITAQI MILLATAJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36520EKO SETYAWANJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2013
36521DYAH QONITA P PJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36522ANDINI IFAH KHASANATIJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36523IRA FATMAWATIJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36524SETIANA DWI KURNIASARIJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2013
36525IKA NUR KHOLIMAHJuara IWorld Costume Festival di Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines Internasional2014
36526ASMI ARISJuara IIIWorld Innovation Technology Expo 2019ReserachInternasional2021
36527AHZAMI FADILAH AKBARJuara IIWorld Invention Competetion and Exhibition (WICE), Malaysia 2021Applied Life ScienceInternasional2021
36528NUR INTAN PERMATASARIJuara IWorld Invention Competition and ExhibitionInternasional2022
36529TANTRI AYU RATNASARIJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and ExhibitionKarya tulis ilmiahInternasional2021
36530WULAN FEBRIANINGSIHJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition PenalaranInternasional2021
36531ASSADULLAH AL KAFAH ALAMJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE)Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2021
36532NUR AL-AZIZAH AL-HILMIYAHJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE)Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2021
36533TANTRI AYU RATNASARIJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE)Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2021
36534ENDAH RIANINGSIHJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE)Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2021
36535RICKY DARMAWANJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE)Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2021
36536ANNISA HULJANNAHJuara IWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) Environmental sciences Internasional2022
36537MUHAMMAD CHOIRUN KHAMIMJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020Applied Physics and EngineeringInternasional2020
36538VIDA DHEVIANA MEUTIJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020Applied Physics and EngineeringInternasional2020
36539CHARLES THOMAS RIO TARIGANJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020Applied Physics and EngineeringInternasional2020
36540BIMA AGUNG SETYAWANJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020Applied Physics and EngineeringInternasional2020
36541SAFIRA AMALIA SALSABILAJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2020Applied Physics and EngineeringInternasional2020
36542MUHAMMAD NAUFAL ALAMINJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2021Social ScienceInternasional2021
36543FIRDHA YULFARIMA ZAHRANIJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2022Social ScienceInternasional2022
36544MUHAMMAD YUSRI DZAL YAHYAJuara IWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) Online CompetitionLomba Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2022
36545YANUAR AGUNG FADLULLAHJuara IWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) Online CompetitionLomba Karya Tulis IlmiahInternasional2022
36546DWI NURUL FAJRIAHJuara IIIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2021 (WICE 2021)Environmental ScienceInternasional2021
36547EKKI RIFALIA ARADENAJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2022Social ScienceInternasional2022
36548EKO SETYO PRAYOGIJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2022Social ScienceInternasional2022
36549MUHAMMAD NAUFAL ALAMINJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2023Innovation Social ScienceInternasional2023
36550SINANTIA NUR AMANDAJuara IIWorld Invention Competition and Exhibition 2023Innovation Social ScienceInternasional2023
Menampilkan 36501-36550 dari 37214 hasil