Daftar Kegiatan Mahasiswa
Pencarian Data
NoNamaNama PredikatNama KegiatanTempatTahunMenu
301TALENT UNGGUL WIJAYAPeserta Kegiatan2 nd ICILLE Zoom2023
302MAULIDA HASNA MASRUROHPeserta Kegiatan2 nd ICILLE dengan tema “The Existence of Indonesian Language and Literature in the World Cultural Constellation”Zoom Meeting2023
303ANANDA RATNA SARIPeserta Kegiatan25th Integrated Islamic Studies Preliminary Study (SATELIT XXV)PESANTREN PROPERTI 2023
306NADYA ARINDRA TSABITHAPanitia2nd ASEAN Geography Student Conference 2016Main Convention Room of Rectorate Building UNY2016
307ADE 'ILMI NOOR BAITIPeserta Kegiatan2nd ASEAN Geography Student Conference 2016Main Convention Room of Rectorate Building Yogyakarta State University2016
308MUHAMMAD SOLIKHINPeserta Kegiatan2nd Annual Islamic Finance ConferenceHotel Ambarukmo2017
309DAYU ARINDAPeserta Kegiatan2nd Essay Contest "Preserving and Strengthening Local/Traditional Knowledge for Community Resilience"Virtual meeting (Zoom)2021
310AULIA AHMAD FARHANIPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE dengan tema “The Existence of Indonesian Language and Literature in the World Cultural Constellation”Daring2023
311DWI NUR AFIANIPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE (International Conference on Language and Literature Education)Via Zoom Meeting2023
312SHERYL FAISSA TITANIAPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE (International Conference on Language and Literature Education)Ruang Cine Club, Gedung Ki Ageng Suryomentaram, FBSB UNY2023
313DWINIDA NURUL ASIYAHPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE (International Conference on Language and Literature in The World Cultural Constellations)Cine Club, Gedung Suryomentaram, FBSB UNY, dan Zoom 2023
314BUNGA FAIZATI HUDIANNAPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE dengan tema "The Existence of Indonesian Language and Literature in the World Cultural Constellation"Zoom meeting2023
315NISRINA SALMA ROSYIDAHPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICILLE dengan tema “The Existence of Indonesian Language and Literature in the World Cultural Constellation”Zoom Meeting2023
316AYU INDARTIPembicara2nd ICSSEDDigilib UNY2018
317ARIF FAHRIZAL NUGRAHAPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICSSED Digital Social Sciences, Humanities, and EducationDigital Library2018
318MUHAMMAD ABDUL AZIZPeserta Kegiatan2nd ICSSED "Digital Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education"Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
319MAULANA EVENDIPanitia2nd International Conference On Vacational Education Of Mechanical And Automotive TechnologyHotel 2019
320ANISA HANAN QONITAPeserta Kegiatan2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and EducationDigital Library UNY2018
321ZAKIAH NOOR HIDAYATIPeserta Kegiatan2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and EducationFakultas Ilmu Sosial2018
322KRISTINAPemakalah2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and EducationFaculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University2018
323RIDWAN NUR PRASETYOPeserta Kegiatan2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and Education ( 2nd ICSSED)Digital Library UNY2018
324DEVI KUMALA SARIPemakalah2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and Education (ICSSED) Digital Library UNY2018
325ASYIF AWALUDIN ROMADHONIPembicara2nd International Conference of Social Sciences and Education 2018Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNY 2018
326NURLAILA KURNIA DEWIPemakalah2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd)Virtual via Zoom2020
327ASTRID WANGSAGIRINDRA PUDJASTAWAPemakalah2nd International Conference on Meaningful Education (2nd ICMEd) 2020 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2020
328MUHAMMAD MUJIBURRAKHMANPembicara2nd International Conference on Sustainable InfrastructureHotel EastParc2019
329MARIANA RAMELANPemakalah2nd International Postgraduate Conference on Science and Mathematics 2014 Tanjong Malim, Malaysia2014
330NANDHIKA WAHYU SAHPUTRAPanitia2nd International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2016Ruang Sidang Utama Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2016
331LUTFI EFENDIPeserta Kegiatan2nd National Newbie Debating Competition FIP UNY2013
332PRATIWI SUDIRMANPanitia3 International Seminar on Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education 2019FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM UNY2019
333DIKA ANDRI PRADANAPemakalah3 rd International Conference on Linguistics and Language TeachingFakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2019
334EVA SUCHI ADI CAHYANIPeserta Kegiatan3nd Borobudur International Conference "Borobudur as an Inspiration of Humanity and Civilization"Candi Borobudur, Magelang2018
336DEVHIA RISKA NOVIATIPeserta Kegiatan3rd International Conference of Science EducationZoom Meeting2021
337RIZQI AJI SURYA PUTRAPemakalah3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational EducationFakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2020
338IRMA NUUR ROCHMAHPemakalah3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education (2020)Yogyakarta (Via-Zoom)2020
339TRI PUSPITA DYAH SETIANDARINIPeserta Kegiatan3rd International Conference on Science EducationDaring2021
340ENDANG LASMINAWATIPemakalah3rd International Conference on Science EducationUniversitas Negeri Yogyakarta (Online)2021
341ARINA ZAIDA ILMAPemakalah3rd International Conference on Science EducationZoom Meeting2023
342SITI ZUBAIDAH SYA'BANIPeserta Kegiatan3rd International Conference on Science EducationDaring (Zoom Meeting)2021
343ALIF ASTRI HASNAPeserta Kegiatan3rd International Conference on Science Education (3rd ICoSED) 2021FMIPA UNY2021
344AMBAR KASIHPeserta Kegiatan3rd International Conference on Science Education Year 2021Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2021
345I WAYAN WARSITAPemakalah3rd International Conference on Vocational Education of Mechanical and Automotive TechnologyZoom Seminar FT UNY2020
346NANDHIKA WAHYU SAHPUTRAPemakalah3rd International Seminar on Science EducationRuang Sidang Utama Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2018
347NANDHIKA WAHYU SAHPUTRAPanitia3rd International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2017Ruang Sidang Utama Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta2017
348LADY RAHMAWATIPemakalah3rd International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2017Fakultas MIPA UNY2018
349LUTFI EFENDIPeserta Kegiatan3rd National Newbie Debate Competition 2014FBS UNY 2014
350DWI LARASATIPemakalah3rd international conference on linguistic and language teaching fakultas bahasa dan seni universitas negeri yogyakarta2019
Menampilkan 301-350 dari 67471 hasil